Friday, October 19, 2012

Media Gone Wild

Laurie Goodstein makes it no secret that she does not like the Catholic Church. In searching for a blog to use for this assignment I came across her blog post about the Knights of Columbus donating money to "anti-gay marriage" groups. I did one Google search of her name and found dozens of her articles which are not complimentary to the Catholic Church. One may say, and many have, that they are actually anti-Catholic. I personally hate the anti and pro-anything words, because they can be misleading, no matter what side of any issue you are on.

It is clear to me though, that in this post about the Knights of Columbus, Goodstein is targeting an audience that does not understand the teaching of the Catholic Church, nor cares to understand it. That includes Catholics who don't understand the teachings of the Church they are members of. As a convert to Catholicism, I know for a fact that there are plenty of those around to write plenty of articles and blog posts for.

Goodstein loses credit with me when I see that she has written nothing positive about the Catholic Church. I understand that there are things that need to be reported about that don't shine the greatest light on my Church, but to not write one single positive article as if  the Catholic Church doesn't do ANYthing good, is bias. Anyone who knows the name Mother Teresa, knows that there are some good Catholics.

Goodstein's argument in this article is that the Knights of Columbus are somehow hiding the fact that they support marriage between one man and one woman. That argument is false. Anyone who does not know the teachings of the Catholic Church on the matter, especially if they are Catholic, is willfully ignorant which is a lot different than being scammed.

In conclusion, I will say that I disagree with Goodstein in her assertion that the Knights are somehow being anti-anybody and duping people about where they stand and why on the issue of marriage. For Catholics the term "gay-marriage" is equivalent to saying "square-circle". It is a matter of  Catholics, who understand what our Church teaches, understanding that there is no such thing. So, Goodstein's accusation that the Knights are lying or hiding something when they support “Catholic Social Teaching and the bishops of the Catholic Church, and some resources have long been dedicated to promoting that teaching on moral issues" is wrong. That is exactly what they are doing. They are supporting the definition of the institution of marriage, not being anti-gay people. We are not anti-anyone (as a Church. There are some people IN our Church who are anti-all kinds of people, but that is a whole other issue.)

1 comment:

  1. "For Catholics the term 'gay-marriage' is equivalent to saying 'square-circle'."
    Love that!! Great way to define it.
