Friday, October 5, 2012

Will the Party for Minorities Please Stand Up

As I sit and listen to both parties discuss minorities, especially the black community, I just shake my head at all of the misinformation that people hear and fall for. That Tampa Bay Times did a piece about the gap of the GOP and black voters saying that the majority of the black vote will be going to Obama. I agree. My issue is that I think they will be voting for Obama because they think that Republicans are racists and don't get them.

What I find shocking about this is that the Republican Party has so many wonderful leaders in it. Let me say again that I'm neither Republican or Democrat, because neither party really stands for my values totally, but there are facts about the Republican party that many people may not know.

One of those people is Mia Love running for Congresswoman right now. She would be the first black female Congressman in the history of our country. And she is black. Her speech at the Republican National Convention was inspiring.

Another person that is in the Republican camp is Arthur Davis. Mr. Davis was the man who introduced President Obama at the Democratic National convention in 2008 and 2nd the motion to nominate him to be the Democratic Nominee that year. This election, however, he is on Romney's side. He has become a Republican. And he too is black. He has been attacked because of his choice to leave the Democratic party. The party that supposedly cheers on choice attacks a man who chooses to leave their party.

Finally let's not forget Condoleezza Rice. Her speech at the Republic National Convention this year was the best speech that I've heard in a long time. She was the first black female Secretary of State of the United States of America. And she is a Republican.

So where do Democrats get off saying that Republicans are racists or all white? I simply don't see how they can deny all of these wonderful people who are black and Republican.

There are some great Hispanics in the Republican party as well. Marco Rubio is a rising star of the Republican Party, and he does have a lot of the same values as I do, both as a Catholic and as an American. He also gave a great speech at the RNC this year. 

People spend way too much time allowing the media to shape their views and to tell them what one party stands for; instead of finding out for themselves. I would vote for Rubio with my head held high. I do not like Romney running for president, but I also do not like Democrats making anyone who dislikes the job that Obama has done for the last four years, out to be a bigot and a racist. That simply is not true. Do I think that the Republican Party needs improvement? Yes. Both parties do. That doesn't make every one who is voting for Romney is a racist.

While I agree with the Tampa Bay Times, that indeed Obama will get a lot of the black vote, I do not think it is because the Republican Party is the "white party".

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