Friday, December 14, 2012

My Classmate's post on Fear

I read Mondo's post on fear and I totally agree with him. And it seems that more and more politics are about causing panic than they are about fixing problems or even coming up with solutions to problems. It's as if we are all pieces in this big game of Chess. One party tells us how dangerous the other party is and how voting for them will ruin our lives and the lives of our grandchildren and then the other party comes back with even more fear based accusations. 

Mondo writes: 

" Every time we are scared, we give a little bit more of ourselves. I fear that at some point there will be nothing left that is ours to give. We live in a country where we are granted rights that others are deprived of and we are intentionally and deliberately giving them away. What better way to mock the institution of these rights? "

I agree, every time we vote based off of fear we hand over a little more power to the person we vote for. People didn't vote for Obama because they knew his plan and liked it; they voted for him because they were scared of Romney. And people weren't supporting Romney because they knew his plan and liked it; they voted for him because they were scared of Obama.

So now we are in this two party system that everyone complains about but nothing is done to change it, and we have to choose between the lesser of two evils. I hate that term. And we vote based on how much fear of the other guy we have. That fear allows us to give more and more of our freedom away in hopes that whoever we vote for will keep us safe. Safe from terrorists, safe from poverty, safe from unwanted pregnancies, safe from everything. But who will keep us safe from the Government? 

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