Friday, December 14, 2012

My Classmate's post on Fear

I read Mondo's post on fear and I totally agree with him. And it seems that more and more politics are about causing panic than they are about fixing problems or even coming up with solutions to problems. It's as if we are all pieces in this big game of Chess. One party tells us how dangerous the other party is and how voting for them will ruin our lives and the lives of our grandchildren and then the other party comes back with even more fear based accusations. 

Mondo writes: 

" Every time we are scared, we give a little bit more of ourselves. I fear that at some point there will be nothing left that is ours to give. We live in a country where we are granted rights that others are deprived of and we are intentionally and deliberately giving them away. What better way to mock the institution of these rights? "

I agree, every time we vote based off of fear we hand over a little more power to the person we vote for. People didn't vote for Obama because they knew his plan and liked it; they voted for him because they were scared of Romney. And people weren't supporting Romney because they knew his plan and liked it; they voted for him because they were scared of Obama.

So now we are in this two party system that everyone complains about but nothing is done to change it, and we have to choose between the lesser of two evils. I hate that term. And we vote based on how much fear of the other guy we have. That fear allows us to give more and more of our freedom away in hopes that whoever we vote for will keep us safe. Safe from terrorists, safe from poverty, safe from unwanted pregnancies, safe from everything. But who will keep us safe from the Government? 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Post Election Thoughts From an Tiny Bit of the Latino Vote

After President Obama’s win this past election Republicans all scrambled to try and figure out exactly what happened. I have a lot of ideas, not that any Republicans care what I have to say, but that won’t stop me from telling Governor Perry when I am at a banquet with him tomorrow night.

One of the greatest issues that I had with the GOP this election cycle was how they talked about Hispanics. About illegal immigrants and how they spoke about the Latino voting block as if we are so dumb we can't read their columns, tweets, Facebook statuses or understand their words when they spoke in front of cameras. The whole idea that we are so dependent on the Government that Hispanics voted for Obama because he gave us “free gifts”, is so insulting. Even to me, and I’m a Hispanic Pro-life Catholic woman who didn't vote for Obama and never would. But still the GOP offended me, and they continue to do so.

Instead of thinking of the Latino vote as some kind of vote to pander to like we have no brain or education, they should begin by actually practicing what they preach when it comes to being Pro-life; all life. Not just the life of the unborn; but the life of the mother and father of that unborn child regardless if they have papers or not. 

That is part of why their anti-abortion stance does not hit home with most people, because most people can smell the BS of that stance when those same people turn around and talk about illegal immigrants like they are animals instead of like they are human lives. The same kind of human life they claim to be defending when fighting the issue of abortion.

So, if the GOP wants the suggestion of a 36 year old community college student whose grandparents where field workers, they can look no further. My suggestion is: quit being hypocrites and start treating all human beings with dignity and respect, and quit talking about the Latino vote as if we can’t understand you. We do. It would serve the GOP well to listen to Marco Rubio on this issue