Monday, September 24, 2012

The Lesser of Two Evils

I have been reading a lot from both campaigns and what both President Obama and Mitt Romney are saying. Neither campaign seems to be speaking about anything substantial that they are going to do to change the economy or issues overseas. There does not seem to be any plans, only attacks on one another. And the more I listen to them the more they sound the same.

I read an article in the Washington post on the issue, and for the first time I actually saw something in print saying just what I've been thinking. I don't know how anyone else feels about this, but I don't like the idea of voting for someone based on vague ideas.

I see a lot of lies coming from both sides, and I see both sides making promises that realistically they can not keep. There are too many serious issues that we need to fix and deal with for there to be a campaign based on nothing but attacks and empty promises.

I am a pro-life conservative, and I see people who have the same values that I do fall for the idea that Romney is the answer to all of our countries problems and I just don't see it that way. And I have yet to get anyone to help me see it that way. From what I gather, people are voting for Romney simply based on how much they dislike Obama.

And while I have an issue with Romney not stating a clear plan on how he is going to turn things around, I still think it is better than the plan that we have seen from Obama for the last 4 years. I just think we should demand more from the people running for the Presidency that what we are getting from them.